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To sign in to Personal Area, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Personal Area page.

The authentication page will open.

2. Enter you '-operator' login and password in the Login and Password fields.
3. Click on the Log In button.

If the credentials are correct, your Personal Area will open.

Logging out

To log out of the Personal Area, click on the button in bottom of the navigation bar to the left.

Changing interface language

To change the language in which the interface of your Personal Area is displayed, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to Personal Area.
  2. At the bottom of the navigation bar to the left, click on the icon with a flag.
    Available interface languages will be displayed.
  3. Click on the desired language icon.
    The Personal Area will automatically be displayed in the selected language.

Working with the API

Merchants can create a payment flow as needed. For example, design own fully customized payment page. See more information about API by the link . When you create a Merchant, you receive an email with a login and a one-time password. After that you can generate API password by yourself on the Working with API page in Merchant Portal.

To display the Working with API page, click on the icon in the navigation bar to the left.

The page will be displayed:

The following actions available:


To get to the Settings section, in the navigation bar to the left, click on the .

In the Settings section you can:

General settings

The General Settings section allows the merchant operator to configure certain account settings and permissions.

To go to the General Settings section, select Settings on the side menu, and then select General Settings in the Merchant block. The Account Settings page will be displayed as shown below.

A description of the settings is shown in table below:

Field Description
Autocomplete enabled If enabled, allows you to specify in the Completion time (in hours) the number of hours after which two-stage payments will be automatically completed
Show final page If enabled, allows you to display the final page upon payment completion
E-mail The merchant's email address to which notifications will be sent. You can enter more than one email address in this field (separated by commas). The triggers for notification dispatch are configurable. They can be set up for such events as change of transaction status, creation of a binding, etc.
Session duration (in minutes) The period given for entering the card data from the moment the payment is registered. If payment is not made within the specified period, the order will go to DECLINED status. After that Callback will be sent, if configured. Changing the status of such orders is performed according to the schedule, so slight delays are possible. If you request status on such an order and time has passed on it, the order will immediately be moved to DECLINED status
Two-stage payment Permission to use a two-stage payment scheme
Send notifications to the customer via SMS If enabled, the customer will receive SMS notifications
Allowing Google Pay payments in the browser Permission to use the Google Pay payment in the browser
Allowing Google Pay payments on a mobile device Permission to use the Google Pay payment on a mobile device
Payment by Apple Pay allowed Permission to use the Apple Pay payment
Send order creation notification If enabled, the merchant will receive an email notification of the order placement
Open Id token You can generate an Open Id token. Also, manual token entry is available. Read more here.

Callback notifications

The Merchant Portal allows you to configure callback notifications. This section may be hidden for some Merchants. So if you don't see it or are not sure how to approach this, please contact the Support Service and we will be glad to help.

More information about callback notifications is available here. The Callback notification settings tab is located under Settings → Merchant → Callback Notifications.

If the User has affiliate sellers, a Merchant selection becomes available in the Merchant selector. To enable callback notification settings, enable the Callback notifications enabled toggle:

After activating the callback notification functionality, follow the setup process as described below.

Callback type

If the Merchant has already configured the callback type as Dynamic, both options in the Signing Type field will not be available for selection, they will be non-clickable.

Callback method

Choose one of the two suggested methods: GET or POST.

Enter the URL (for example, to which notifications will be sent. It is allowed to specify multiple links (separated by commas and without spaces).

Additional parameters

Enter the order of parameters to be passed to the callback, separated by commas.

Signing type

Select one of the signing types: Symmetric or Asymmetric. If the Symmetric signing type is selected, it is possible to generate a callback token . Also, if you select the Symmetric signing type, manual token entry is available.

If Asymmetric Signing type is selected, the Generate button will be inactive. The key for Asymmetric Signing can be ontain from the Support Service.


Select the events for which a callback notification will be sent. The notification will be sent both when the operation is successful and in case of an error.

Changing the password

To change the password to Personal Area, complete the following steps.

  1. Log in to Personal Area.
  2. In the navigation bar to the left, go to Settings by clicking on the .
  3. On the page that appears, select Change password. The page will look as follows.
  4. Enter your current password in Current password field.
  5. Enter a new password in New password and Confirm password fields.

The password must meet the following requirements

  1. The password must not contain the name of the store or the login of any of the users created for the merchant (using logins in different leTTER CaSe as passwords is also not allowed).
  2. Password must contain the following characters:

    • uppercase Latin characters (A-Z)
    • lowercase Latin characters (a-z)
    • digits (0-9)
    • special characters (! "#;:? \ * () + = /\ < > , . [ ] { } );
  3. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

  4. Click on the Change password button.

E-mail for password recovery

To be able to recover the password for your Personal Area, enter your email address:

  1. Log in to Personal Area.
  2. In the navigation bar to the left, go to Settings by clicking on the .
  3. On the General tab, in Email address section, specify the e-mail address you want to use for password recovery in the E-mail field.
  4. Click on the Save button.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

You can set up two-factor authentication to provide additional level of security that guarantees that only you can have access to your Personal Area. In this case, at the logon to the Personal Area, you should enter not only login and password, but also the authentication code generated by Google Authenticator application or sent to your e-mail address (depending on the authentication method configured).

To set up two-factor authentication, in the navigation bar to the left, go to Settings > Two-factor authentication (2FA). The page provides two options for setting up two-factor authentication:

  1. In the provided list of options select Google Authenticator (recommended) and click on the Enable button.
  2. A form appears where you have to confirm your password:
  3. Download and open Google Authenticator application on your device. Enter a secret key or scan the QR-code to add your account to Google Authenticator application. The application generates a code. Enter the generated code into the Enter 6-digit code field.
  4. Once two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator is enabled, at the next logons to your Personal Area, you are asked to enter Google Authenticator code:

E-mail verification code

  1. In the provided list of options select E-mail verification code and click on the Enable button.
  2. In case your e-mail address is not set in the settings and not confirmed, first you need to do it. Otherwise, please proceed.
  3. A form appears where you have to confirm your password:
  4. To complete two-factor authentication setup, enter 4-digit code sent to your e-mail address:
  5. Once two-factor authentication via E-mail is enabled, at the next logons to your Personal Area, you are asked to enter 4-digit code sent to your e-mail address:


To display the Dashboard page, click on the icon in the navigation bar to the left.

The page contains information about transactions:

The menu at the top allows you to select the period for which the transaction information will be displayed. The following values are available:

The Conversion graph displays the percentage of successful transactions to the total number of transactions.

The Decline codes graph shows the major causes of order processing errors.

The Transactions count graph displays information about transactions for the selected period.

The counters on the chart are the following:

The Gross transactions amounts graph displays information about amounts of successful and declined transactions.

The Net transactions amounts graph displays information about amounts of successful vs. refunded/reversed transactions.

Pay by link

You can issue an invoice to the buyer for payment for goods or services by e-mail. To do so, use the Invoice to e-mail section of the Merchant Portal. Once the invoice is issued, the buyer receives an e-mail and follows the link in it to the payment page.

Sending a link to a payment page by e-mail

To invoice a customer and send them a link to the payment page by email, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Invoice to e-mail section of the Personal Area. The page for entering the invoice parameters will be displayed:

  2. Configure the settings referring to the table below.

    Setting Description
    Merchant Merchant login in the payment gateway
    Client name Client's first name, last name, and patronymic. The data entered in this field is displayed in an email containing a link to the payment page
    Phone Customer's phone number. It is always necessary to specify the country code, but you can specify or omit the + sign. Thus, the following options are valid:
    • +449998887766;
    • 449998887766. 7 to 15 digits long.
    E-mail The e-mail address to which the payment link will be sent
    Payment type Choose from two options.
    • One-phase – after the payment has been made, no additional actions are required on your part.
    • Two-phase – after the client has confirmed the payment, you must complete the payment in your Personal Area. Before you do this, the money will be held (reserved) on the client's account until you confirm the payment or until the confirmation period expires.
      If you confirm the payment, the money will be transferred to your account.
      The reserved funds on client's account will be released if the reservation period expires before confirmation.
    Currency Select currency from a drop-down list
    Language Select language from a drop-down list
    Due date Indicate the date and time by which the payment can be made. After this date and time it will be impossible to pay the invoice
    Description Free-form description of the payment
    Enter the amount Enter the payment amount here. If the order contains a shopping cart, the field value is populated automatically
  3. Click the Send button.

    Upon successful dispatch, a link to the payment form will be displayed below:

You can view the payment page sent to the client by clicking on the Link to payment page button.

Adding a shopping cart to invoice

When generating an invoice you can add a shopping cart for the order. The Cart section is located under the area for creating a link to payment page:

  1. To add a line item to the shopping cart, click on the Add product button. A row with the parameters of the product being added will be displayed.
  2. Fill in the required fields referring to the table below.

    Field Description
    ID Identifier of a line item in the cart. Filled in automatically.
    Name Product/service name.
    Price Price of one product unit.
    Qty The number of units of the product.
    Measure Units of measurement, for example: L – liters, pcs. – pieces.
    Amount The total amount for specified line item. Calculated automatically when the Price and Qty fields are filled out.
    Article The vendor code of the line item.
  3. Repeat the required steps for each item in the shopping cart. If you need to delete the added row, click on the icon and confirm the action.

  4. You can add items from the catalog, click Add product from catalog and select the item in the opened window.

Having added all items to the shopping cart, invoice the client.

Importing a CSV file

You can register an order (invoice) with a shopping cart and this cart can be populated automatically from a CSV file. To upload cart automatically, click on the Import fromort CSV button. In the window that opens, select the file to be uploaded on your device.

You can upload two type of files that can contain:
- only cart data (ORDER_BUNDLE)
- cart data (ORDER_BUNDLE) and order data (ORDER_PARAMS)

Please note, there are no mandatory fields and only certain fields can be mapped:

Possible cart data fields:

Possible order data fields:

Example with cart data:


Example with cart and order data:

Download example file

Making a test transaction

You can test the payment process on behalf of the client. To do so:

  1. Create an invoice for the client.
  2. Go to the payment page by clicking on the Link to payment page button in the invoice-issued-successfully message.

  1. Enter the details of one of the test cards.
  2. Select Save my card if you want to store the credential: in this case, you will not have to enter the card data next time.
  3. Click on the Pay button. To confirm the transaction, use the 3-D Secure code specified for the test card.

Final page

After successfull payment, the client can optionally be redirected to the Final page. This page contains data about the payment and a link back to the store.

The table below describes the data displayed on the final page.

Field Description
Merchant Merchant’s login.
Web-site Merchant’s website address.
ID Automatically generated order number in the merchant’s system.
Authorization code International payment system authorization code (6 symbols).
Terminal ID Terminal identifier in the system that processes the payment.
Reference ID (RRN) Reference number of the payment authorization that has been assigned to it upon its registration.
Amount Payment amount.
Description Description of the payment.
Card information Masked number and expiration date of the card used for payment.

For the client to go back to the store, they would click the Return to Merchant link.

You can enable or disable showing the final page using the Show final page check box on the General settings page of your Personal Area. Read more here.


The Reports section is designed for generation of transaction reports based on a variety of parameters to choose from. To display the Reports page, click on the icon in the navigation bar to the left.

To filter the transactions in the report by merchant login, select one in the Merchant login list. Multiple logins may be available if you have permission to view transactions of other merchants or have child merchants.

The reports functionality provides several filters for report generation. You can select transactions by date:

Specify the required date range: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, or enter a custom period by selecting dates in the calendar.

You can also filter transactions by status.

The report can be downloaded as an .xls or .csv file. Select the format by clicking the corresponding buttons.

Use the Add columns template button to create a field template for future use in the reports. After clicking the button, a column configuration form will appear. Enter the name of the template and check the boxes next to the columns that are to be displayed in the report. Some columns are interdependent for your convenience:

After selecting the columns, click Create Template.

The saved template will be available for selection in the Columns Template list.

Having the parameters set, click the Generate report button. The report generation process will start. Depending on the settings of your browser, either the report file will be downloaded automatically or a dialog box will appear allowing you to choose a location where to save the report file.

Payment links

You can create a template for payment links that will redirect the customer to the payment page.

To create a link to a payment page , follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Personal Area.
  2. In the left sidebar, select the Payment Links section:
  3. Click +Add payment link in the upper right corner of the page. This will display a form for you to fill out:

Fill in the required fields according to the table:

Required Field Description
Mandatory Link name The name of the link, which is only available to the merchant.
Optional Description Description of the order, which is only visible to the merchant.
Default Payment type Payment operation type. Available values: One-phase (PURCHASE)/Two-phase (PRE_AUTH). The one-phase payment is selected by default. Two-stage payment must be enabled for this field to be displayed (contact support to turn it on).
Mandatory Title The title that will be visible to the customer on the pre-payment page.
Optional Amount of payment The default value is "100.00". If you click on "Arbitrary amount", the customer can specify the amount for payment on the payment page.
Default Currency It is set by default, the value is set according to the merchant settings.
Optional Action period The default setting is one month from the current date. You can set a different interval: to do this, click on the date and select the required start and end dates of the link from the drop-down calendar. If the Indefinite field is enabled, this field is not available for editing.
Optional Description Description of the order, which will be displayed to the customer on the pre-payment page.

Fill in additional parameters if needed. It is possible to add your own parameters. To do this, click +Add parameter and fill in the fields:

Field Description
Address Whether or not to display the delivery address field on the pre-payment page.
Email Whether or not to display the field for entering the customer's e-mail on the pre-payment page.
Full name Whether or not to display the field for entering the customer's name and surname on the pre-payment page.
Phone number Whether or not to display the field for entering the customer's phone number on the pre-payment page.
Label The name of the parameter that the client sees.
Name Required for the payment gateway. Only Latin characters and underscores are allowed. For example: size, items_count, etc.
Placeholder A tip for the customer with an example of how to fill out the field.
Regexp A regular expression is used to check the input data.
Value Pre-filled data in the field. The client will not be able to change this value.
Required parameter A checkbox to be checked if the new parameter is mandatory for the client.

After filling in all the required fields, click Create payment link at the bottom of the form. After that the link will be displayed on the main page with the status Active:

Icons of possible actions are presented in the table with the created templates of payment links in the right column.

In addition, all the actions described above are available when viewing the template link. To do this, click on the three-dot icon -> View details in the table of created templates. To perform the necessary actions, click the button with the same name as the action.

Select the required search criteria and click Apply in the filter window. To clear all filter fields, click the Reset button.

You can search by the following parameters:

Pre-payment/Payment page

If additional parameters were specified while creating the link (E-mail/Full name/Phone/Address) or the payment amount field was left blank, the client should fill in the required field(s) on the prepayment page when opening the generated payment link and only then proceed to the payment of the order. An example of the pre-payment page with an additional parameter:

An example of a pre-payment page with an order amount without additional parameters:

An example of a payment page:

Working with transactions

The Transactions page contains detailed information about orders and payments. To go to the page, click on the icon in the navigation bar to the left.

The left-hand side of Transactions page contains the search area where the filter can be set. The list of transactions that meet the search criteria is located on the right side of the page.

Using the transactions filter

To work with transactions, you must first define and apply the filter settings.

To set search criteria for transactions, follow these steps.

  1. In your Personal Area, go to the Transactions page.
  2. In the search area on the Filters tab set the required parameters and click on the Apply button. Matching transactions will be displayed in the area to the right.

Transaction filter parameters

The filter allows you to set the criteria for selecting transactions.

See description of other search criteria here.

Transaction filter settings

Transaction filter settings are located in the Search area of the Transactions page. In this section, you can set which fields will be displayed as the transaction filter criteria ...

Transaction filter templates

To make working with transactions more convenient, you can save a set of filter settings that you constantly use as a template.

To create a template, follow these steps:

  1. Set and apply the transaction filter criteria.
  2. Click on the Save as a template button.

To use a saved template, follow these steps:

  1. While on the Transactions page, in the Search area, go to the Templates tab.
  2. Click on the required template in the list. The filter settings saved in the template will be applied.

Transactions table

The transactions table is on the right side of the Transactions page. Transactions appear in the table after the filter is applied.

By default, the table contains the following columns with transaction attributes:

Payment type Means of payment used to pay for the order.

Date The date the transaction was registered.

Amount The order amount.

Exporting transactions

In some cases you may need to export your transactions. Two formats are available: XLS or CSV. To do so:

  1. Find the desired transactions by specifying the search criteria in the filter.
  2. Click the Export button and choose one of the two formats suggested for saving: CSV or XLS.
  3. The report generation process will start. Depending on the settings of your browser, either the report file will be downloaded automatically or a dialog box will appear allowing you to choose a location where to save the report file.

Transaction information

Personal Area provides detailed information about each payment.

To learn more about a payment, while on the Transactions page, click on the row of respective transaction in the table.

The Transaction information page will open. It always contains the Operation info and History tabs. For transactions of certain types, the Cart and Refund tabs can be displayed in addition.

Also, depending on the status and type of transaction, the Complete and Refund buttons may be present on this page.

The Complete button is used to confirm two-phase payments from clients. This button is active only when the order is in the Approved status.

The Refund button is used to return the payment to the client. The functionality of the button depends on the status of the order and whether a shopping cart was used or not.

Operation details

The transaction details are shown on the Operation details tab which contains the following sections:

Fields in the Operation details section:

Field Description
Order number Order number in the store system.
Unique order number Order ID in the Payment Gateway.
Response code A numeric code of a result received from a processing bank (action code). See the list of action codes here.
Payment type Means of payment used to pay for the order.
Fee The amount of the fee (if charged).
Registration amount The order amount.
Deposited amount The amount that was actually debited.
Refund amount Refund amount, if a refund was made.
Creation date Date and time of order creation.

Electronic Commerce Indicator. Possible values are:

  • 01 - Secure Code was available but not used;
  • 02 - full authorization, MasterCard;
  • 05 - full authorization, Visa;
  • 06 - 3-D Secure was available but not used;
  • 07 - SSL payment.
Order description Arbitrary description of goods and services

Fields in Payer information section:

Field Description
Card number Masked number of the card used for payment.
IP address IP address of the payer.
Expiry The payer's card expiration date.
Payment system The name of the International Payment System (card network) to which the payer's card belongs.
Cardholder name Cardholder name used for payment.
E-mail Payer's e-mail address.


The History tab contains information about all events relevant to the order: payments, refunds, etc.

Column Description
Operation type Operations made while working with an order.
Date Date and time when the operation was made.
Description The order amount.


The Cart tab contains information about goods and services paid for in the transaction.

Column Description
ID Number of a line item in the cart.
Name The name of the line item.
Article Alphanumeric ID of a line item (vendor ID).
Price Price of one product unit.
Qty The quantity of the line item.
Amount The total amount for specified line item (calculated automatically).
Refund Refund amount. Displayed only if there was a refund. The icon in the row means that there was a partial refund.


The Refund tab contains information about line items in the order and allows making a refund to the payer. The refund can be made for the full amount or for specific line items.

Full refund

To issue a full refund to the payer for the order, follow these steps:

While on the Refund tab, click on the Full refund button. The order status will become Reversed or Refunded, depending on the payment stage and the date the refund was processed:

Refund for specific items

To issue a refund for specific items, follow these steps:

  1. While on the Refund tab, use the table with content of the shopping cart.

    Column Description
    ID Number of a line item in the cart.
    Name The name of the line item.
    Article Alphanumeric ID of a line item (vendor ID).
    Price Price of one product unit.
    Qty The quantity of the line item.
    Amount The total amount for specified line item (calculated automatically).
    The qty of refund The number of items to be returned.
    Refund amount The amount to be refunded. The field is calculated automatically.
  2. In The qty of refund field, indicate the number of items for which the refund should be issued. The resulting amount will be populated in the Refund amount field.

  3. Click on the Refund button.

    If the refunded amount is less than order amount, the order status will become Refund. If the refund is for full amount, the order status will become Reversed.

Available operations with a transaction

The main operations that can be carried out with transactions in the Personal Area are:

These operations are invoked by corresponding buttons on the Transaction information page. See the detailed description of each operation below.

Order cancellation

Usually an order that is neither paid nor pre-authorized is automatically cancelled after a certain time set in the system, for example, after 20 minutes. But this operation can be performed manually from the merchant's Personal Area.

If you want to cancel an order before payment or pre-authorization, you can do it by clicking the Decline button on the Transaction information page.

Decline button

After cancellation, the order gets the Declined status.

Order completion

In case of a two-phase payment, the funds are first reserved on the client's account (order status is Approved) and only then are credited to the merchant's account (order status is Deposited). It is possible to configure that the final transfer takes place automatically after a certain time set in the system, e.g. after 24 hours. But this operation can be performed manually from the merchant's Personal Area.

To complete a transaction, while on the Transaction information page, click on the Complete button.

A confirmation window will open. Its appearance is shown below and depends on whether the cart was used in the order or not.

If the cart was NOT used, the confirmation window looks like this:

Check the value in the field and click on the Confirm button.

If the cart was used, the confirmation window looks like this:

Check the data, change it if necessary and click on the Complete button. After the completion, the order gets Deposited status.

If there are necessary permissions, you can adjust the shopping cart in a way that the completion amount will exceed the pre-authorization amount. The percentage by which the deposit amount may be exceeded can be set to any value - it is determined by a specific setting. To activate this feature, please contact technical support.

As an example, let's say the percentage by which the deposit amount may exceed is set at 100% in the settings. You have entered an amount of 910 BGN in the payment form. Then you can modify the cart so that the capture amount does not exceed 1820 BGN. If it does exceed, an error message will appear and the Complete button will become disabled.


From your Personal Area, you can reverse payments for two-stage transactions in Approved status (when the funds are reserved on the client's account but not deposited yet). Reversal means that the transaction is canceled and all the reserved funds are released.

To make a reversal, while on the Transaction information page, click the Reverse/Refund button.

The functionality of this button depends on the status of the order and whether a shopping cart was used or not. If the order status is Approved (with or without shopping cart), this button allows to reverse the whole amount only.

In the confirmation window, click Confirm. The order will get the Reversed status.


From your Personal Area you can issue full or partial refunds on orders paid by customers (when the order status is Deposited). For two-phase payments, the Deposited status means that the funds held on the payer's card have already been debited.

Refunds are issued from the Transaction information page by using the Reverse/Refund button.

The functionality of the button depends on the status of the order and whether a shopping cart was used or not.

Check the data, change it if necessary and click on the Complete button. After the completion, the order gets Deposited status.

Reverse/Refund specifics depending on phases, status, and shopping cart

The table below shows all the options of Reverse/Refund button depending on the status of the payment, the number of phases in it, and whether a shopping cart is used or not. The logic can vary depending of your permissions. As a general rule, Merchant Portal makes a reversal if possible, and if not, makes a refund.

With cart Without cart
One-phase Deposited - refund for specific items Deposited - refund in amount, partial available
Two-phase Approved - reversal, full amount only
Deposited - refund for specific items
Approved - reversal, full amount only
Deposited - refund in amount, partial available

Wallets and Certificates

The Payment Gateway supports tokenized payments using Apple Pay and Google Pay wallets.

Documentation is available here


The Catalog section provides a quick way to select items when creating an invoice. To access the Catalog section, click in the left sidebar.

The page will be displayed:

To get started, select a merchant from the drop-down list, download the catalog template clicking Download Catalog Template button and fill in your item parameters:

Then upload the completed catalog in .CSV format by clicking Upload Catalog:

After uploading the catalog, it will be available to add items from the catalog to the invoice. For more information on adding items from the catalog, please see the Pay by link section.

eCommerce API V1 Merchant Portal
Search results